Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rita in the Kitchen

New drawing I started last week and it is starting to appear.
St. Rita de Cascia is the patron saint of lost causes, or the impossible. I can relate to her. It also said something about her being for abused and mistreated women. They still seem to have her body on display...

The woman with the red hair is in the kitchen at the sink. The dishes represent debt. The overloaded socket represents emotional stress. The cat and dog are male and female... kind of... The man is turning away and has a tail like a dog and she has ears like a cat. He is holding a rag, but it is really her hair in his hand. The living room has a window. I'm going to have the same problem with the window here as I have with the mirror on "Would you like..." She is holding a rag in her hand, but I'm trying to make it look like she is kneeling at an altar and praying, and the grip that she has on the rag is like a rosary. Her shirt is the classic "Virgin Mary" outfit, with the blue dress representing the sea and the pearl necklace representing the foam on the shore (earth mother goddess archetype co-opted by the Christians). The body image issues may change, but they are represented by the squeeze bottle of dish washing soap and there are paintings on the wall of plates. and the wall paper will have thorn bushes as a design. Trying to create tension.
(click on the image to enlarge, hopefully new picks with more filled in will appear next week!)

love, me.
Agape love.

I'm going to base Rita's face on the Virgin of the Rocks painting and sketch by da Vinci. I've always loved this portrait (the graphic here my not be exactly it, but it is close.) Now I can pay homage to it!

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