It is a strange calculus to be sure, that of love, and the unsettling mix of emotion and feeling that accompany it. Not particularly (no pun intended) unlike that of quantum mechanics.
But first you have to consider the relative aspects of the laws of attraction, or chemical affinity. What makes our particles gravitate toward one another.
ping ping ping. Something inside makes us want to connect with that special certain someone. What is the reason for this? Many argue it is the propagation of the species, and that seems valid enough a claim, until you look a little deeper. If attraction is simply for the propagation of the species, then why isn't everyone attracted to just anyone else?
Is the answer that more suitable genetic matches generally gravitate toward each other? This claim could be made, but then, how do you defend the obviously mismatched couples. The elephant and the dog?
Could it be a more quantum calculus is at play? If you think about light, and waves and particles, and you put them in the absolute impercievible realm of the atom, what energy might you elicit?
Well there are many laws that can apply to both the attraction properties and the quantum properties. For instance, Schrödinger's Cat. It seems to me these lessons could be applied to the larger physical realm of love and attraction. The putative aspects of physical and romantic attraction defy the logos of the objective and pass through the subjective into a state of decay, that defies that logic and may or may not kill the cat. In fact, it could be, that the cat is alive and dead, simultaneously!
In the case of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the parallel is keen. The more one entity is known, the less the other can be known. So the symbiosis is always a property of the success of both entities to survive. If one becomes too large, it overwhelms the other, or it is unmeasurable.
So it is with love. You've got two known entities, traveling through space and time, collecting static, and data. Then one day, they happen to pass within range of each other. Each one's space is effected in bizarre and unconventional ways. Down is up, up is down, negative is positive, and the time and space seem to fall all out of line.
Seemingly, nothing can keep them apart. The waves become particles and the particles become waves. Everything you know is wrong.
Then, there is the first kiss. Light and energy seem to merge and electricity enlivens every aspect of your being. Is this love? At once heavy and light? With and without mass, inertia, spatial and temporal perspective?
There is no stopping this absolute interminable force of nature. It abounds in each elemental phase that is our lifetime. It dictates our shape, and our function. It leaves its carbon footprint all over our brief passage.
Most intriguingly, it is light. Speeding through us as it simultaneously eludes our better senses. We balk, it proceeds. Our only hope of survival is to fall into it deeply and completely, and let it have its bosonic and fermionic way with us.
What delight, and absolute fracture!
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