Friday, March 27, 2009


my back aches
I must have done something to my shoulder
I'm really uncoordinated
I'm really insecure
I used to think I was an artist
when I found out I wasn't
I never figured out what I actually was
or couldn't face it,
because maybe I'm just a loser

But I'm still alive
and so I keep trying to improve
my spelling
something concrete like that

how this world got so upside down
I'll never know
or maybe it's just me...
I'm the one that's upside down
ahem, that's better
ah, it's all clear to me now!

well, we seem to have been created
and we seem to be evolving... at least biologically.
or adapting to the hideous environment
as long as the minions
keep generating bills
and paying bills
the uglies
are happy

the unapologetic rich
the irresponsible powerful
they are the uglies

keeping money out of their pockets
keeps us stronger.
so you have to identify "their pockets"

mass market food
market trades
stocks bonds

do the math:
repression of alternative energy and "cheap" energy benefits the uglies because if there were small "individual" generation of energy, that would cut into their monopoly on power generation "the grid" and that would make them so unhappy.
Think of the people starving because they don't have fresh water or energy. Think about the simplicity of energy generation and clean water. Making that available to the masses is a magnificent flower bud waiting to open, but it is being subverted and repressed by the greedy power holders. Think of the abundance of sunlight and wind, and the movement of water. These things were in use long before power grids. Long before the perceived necessity of a grid system with the convenience of power at your fingertips.

The selling point might be "safety", or "convenience", or "reliability", but the truth of the matter is POWER is MONEY and MONEY is POWER. So just remember that when you are paying your natural gas and electric bill this month. Who is that money going to? Who are the share holders in the energy market? Who is benefiting from your energy use? How can you keep the money out of their pockets and in your own?

Each day I become more and more convinced that before I die I am going to build and live in a home that is "off the grid" and use as many "pre-market" building materials as I can find. By "pre-market" I mean substances I can acquire by going to the local farmer and buying some hay, or mixing my own concrete and cement. I want to avoid the trap of "green-marketing" this is just another way they get the money.

My biggest dream is to keep the money from ever getting into their pockets in the first place. Deprive them of the wealth that is their power. I can only do this by not buying into the myth that drives our culture and our economy. Subvert the economy if you will, not as the Bushies did, to generate massive wealth for themselves and to rape the environment and further subvert peace on earth, but subvert the economy that aids and abets such criminal use of personal and common wealth.

This requires discipline, energy, and imagination. It also requires some money. But the use of discarded building materials or pre-market materials can be exploited to the advantage of the individual who wants to model a new kind of culture. I believe it can be done. I believe it should be done. I believe if it is NOT done, and not done NOW, we doom ourselves -- individually and collectively -- to live as slaves to a small class of wealthy, power-wielding idiots. This is not the future I see for my children. And I personally want no part of contributing to it any longer.


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