Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm full

I'm full of all the political TV propoganda. I'm full of George Bush and John Roberts and Dick Cheney. I'm full of the senators that promise some change and end up letting go. I'm full of the fear mongers. I'm full of the cell phones and the internet. I'm full of the high fructose corn syrup in all the cheap food. I'm full of my job taking up all my time. I'm full of cars and gasoline. I'm full of the cost of dying. I'm full of the nursing homes "helping" the elderly. I'm full of the Israeli bias. I'm full of video games. I'm full of obsession. I'm full of denial. I'm full of jingoistic bigots worried about immigration. I'm full of people being killed in Iraq in the name of freedom. I'm full of TV evangelists spewing more lies, cloaked in Jesus Christ's promise. I'm full of the schools letting army recruters in because they are afraid to loose federal funding. I'm full of it all. I'm full of athletes that are so rich they could buy a small country. I'm full of families so poor they sell their children into slavery. I'm full of the false promises and the lies. I'm full of fast food decaying our culture. I'm full of the doctors and nurses inside established health care "systems." (Simon in his 5-yr-old way, once called it hell care -- I agree.) I'm full of the staus quo. I'm full of the rich not caring about anything else but getting richer. Maybe I'm full of s***, all I know is sadly, I'm full of everything but love.

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