Friday, October 26, 2007

The spare is flat

It's a grey and gloomy day. Halloween is nigh. My mood is cloudy too.

My emotions are taking a toll on me lately. I am doing compulsive things, like buying stuff on ebay that I don't need, spending money I don't have. All the things I've drawn on to get me through these dark days in the past aren't working.

Here I sit with my past in the present. Here I sit and dream of what might have been. Here I sit in the present thinking that maybe tomorrow I can be what I've always wanted to be. But then reality bites me and I wake up and know that dreaming isn't going to make anything so.

Every cliché bangs against my brain, as I think, and obsess, and fry each and every working brain cell with inane thoughts of how I screwed everything in my life up.

I'm falling and there's no net.

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