Wednesday, April 2, 2008

stars are bright in contrast to the night

There’s always the promise if you go outside and engage with the world that there’ll be a surprising reward of some sort. The hoot of a screech owl resonating in your chest, the smell of newly blossoming honeysuckle bushes, or the panoramic dome of night twinkling silently above.

Last night the stars were amazing against the night sky, even with the city lights doing their best to obliterate them, they were silently dominating the vistas unfolding before me as I ran through the little streets around my house. After running, as I stretched, I looked up and let the beauty of the starlit night penetrate my stiff little body pinned here below on terra firma. They warmed my heart and made me feel like I belonged somewhere, possibly here.

I’ve been feeling so alone lately. Even with my sweet little Simon to tend to, I’ve really got no one to confide in, no one to share my essence with. Maybe that’s just not the way it works. Maybe soul mates are a myth. Maybe I’m such a romantic idiot that I just need to suffice with a dream lover. I think I can deal with that. But I do long for that sense of connecting with someone that “gets” you, and loves all the stupid things as well as the wonderful things. Maybe my stupid things are just so outrageously stupid that no one can get past them. Then there’s the part about me having to love them back. Oh well.

I guess there are worse things to feel like you belong to than the stars. They’re constant, bright, prophetic, and beautiful. If they reflect my spirit, or I reflect theirs, it is simpatico, and all the dark moods only tend to contrast the better days, making them shine ever brighter.

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