Friday, May 16, 2008


I just helped save some baby ducks from being smashed.
(or at least I like to think I did...)

There was a bunch of cars stopped, for no apparent reason, and I cussed them out and then saw why.
There was a mother duck and her 10 or so babies trying to cross Monona Drive at rush hour on friday night.
about 4 of the babies made the jump up the curb to the sidewalk, but several of them were bunched up against the curb trying to hop up, but they just couldn't make it. the light was red. So I jumped out and tried to herd them up onto the sidewalk. of course they were scared of me and started to scatter. then two of them were too far away from the mom and got disoriented and hopped back onto the road. dumb ducks. anyways, by the time I saw that I was back in my car, but the mom came and got those little babies up onto the sidewalk after much drama. they were so cute. and they were doing that little peeping noise. probably screaming in duck, but it sounds so cute to us giants. they were so soft, I tried not to touch them so I just ever so lightly tried to give them a little boost up the curb. boy did my adrenaline kick in. And before the light turned green, the mom had all her ducks in a row. If only I could be so lucky.

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