Sunday, July 6, 2008

you found my switch

meeting again
was like a warm breeze off the sea
your voice a big hug

you kissed my cheek
I wanted to return it
but I was afraid

afraid that if I gave up even one kiss
how ever tiny
I just wouldn't be able to stop

I'd start with your cheek
only to turn back at your feet
and work my way back
in a joyful fit of love

you seem to have found my switch
through all the shit
muck and crap
you found my switch
please keep the map

it's 3:00 am
Oh man
my heart is pounding
I keep hearing things we said
in my head
in the dark
in my bed

and my face hurts from smiling
and my mind reels
with all the if onlys

I couldn't kiss you back
it wouldn't have ended
I couldn't ache more
I just pretended
you were like anyone else

please keep touching that button
don't let this end
who is it harming?
after all, we're just friends.

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